Graphic Design, Logos & Branding, Websites


Why it is Important, Vital and Even Crucial to Proofread?

If you are doing your own marketing or even if you are contracting someone else to do your marketing, it is absolutely crucial that you have a literate person proofread the content before it goes out. You need to be responsible for it – it’s your marketing! When you get sent a proof of a postcard, Facebook ad or website design, do this:

Go to a quiet room with no disturbances. Have a dictionary or computer available to check spelling. Go through each and every line of the content. Check all names, telephone numbers, address and zip code. Check everything!  Sometimes it helps to read it backwards because your mind can fill in and correct errors. 

It is very embarrassing and expensive for an ad to go out with spelling errors or a wrong number. Proof, proof, proof!