Graphic Design, Logos & Branding, Websites


Should you be everywhere? 

This is a question that comes up a lot and it is something we see done correctly and incorrectly. 

We have seen people that sign up for EVERYTHING: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. etc. etc. etc. ….but then they don’t post anything!

If you are just starting out with social media for your business, you should pick one or two platforms. We usually suggest Facebook and Instagram because it is easy to post to both platforms at the same time and you can advertise on both since both companies are owned by Facebook. 

Once you get used to posting great content and it is consistent and you are getting followers and engagement then you can expand out to another platform and sooner or later you WILL BE everywhere, but this time posting great, consistent content. 

By expanding this way, it is in a controlled and strategic manner, not a dispersed and splattered everywhere type of manner. 

If you need help getting started on Facebook or Instagram, call us for a FREE Social Media Consultation and we can answer any questions you have.